In the morning of December 28th,Xu Jiaolu,vice-chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee,was present and granted Yu Xuewen and other 9 people as the 11th China Top Youth Peasant.The ceremony was jointly held in the The People's Great Hall by the Central Committee of the Youth League 、Ministry of Water Resources、Ministry of Agriculture、Ministry of Finance 、the State Forestry Administration and All-China Youth's Federation.

Since Party Center made the strategy of construct the New Social Country,a group of young peasants have been trying to meet the needs of the times.To develop modern agriculture and strengthen the county-level economy, they devote themselves to the reform and development in urban,until now they have created top performances,which brings the outstanding contribution on the development of economy,promotes social progress,which opens a new chapter of undertaking hardly and rich hometown in modern urbans.

Yu Xuewen,who is the young peasant coming from Zhejiang Provice,Wuyi County and is managing Gengxiang Tea Co., Ltd.He leads the tea peasants of his hometown to live a rich life by the way of connect the market between urban and though the organic industry.He becomes the present of modern youth in the country.

Yu Xuewen left his hometown with 2000RMB to take over a little tea shop.He decided to develop organic teas,and concidently the county committees was to set about proping up the market leader in Wuyi County to drive the country's economy.

Until now,there are 50000 tea farmers who engages in the management,tea picking and processing in the Gengxiang Tea Gardens.

Gengxiang Tea Co., Ltd has becomes the famous company in the Tea Market of the capital and the model in Construction of New Social Country according to the social marketing rules.

<P align=center><IMG height=333 src=/upload/200612287547112.jpg width=500 border=0></P>

<P align=center>Xu Jialu(left)had a photo taken with Yu Xuewen.</P>

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